Posts filed under ‘art’

Art: a most splendid officer and gentleman

I have no chance of catching up with everything today, but I want to send you into the week with a really great picture. It’s Lieutenant Collingwood – no, not Cuthbert: his brother Wilfred!

The following silhouette by W. Willings, created in 1781, shows Wilfred Collingwood as a lieutenant. He was 32 years old at that time, and died only six years later.

Wilfred Collingwood

You know, the profile reminds me of another lieutenant…

9 March, 2008 at 11:41 pm Leave a comment

Art: Cuthbert Collingwood’s self-portrait

Today is the anniversary of Collingwood’s death. I’m more in favour of birthdays, but as just today the long searched-for book by Oliver Warner arrived, I thought I’ll share the following drawing with you. Collingwood knew he wasn’t very good at drawing faces (he preferred landscapes), but I find this self-portrait, showing Collingwood at the age of 35 as a post-captain, very charming, so I had to share.

Collingwood self-portrait

To Old Cuddy.

7 March, 2008 at 6:02 pm Leave a comment

Molly Joyful’s List Of Useful Resources has been updated!

Molly Joyful’s List Of Useful Resources

has been updated! Many new links for you, on all aspects of life in the 18th century. Be it dentistry or the splitting of prize money in the Royal Navy: here you’ll find it. Hopefully.

As usual, the list is neither complete (will never be), nor can I guarantee you that all information on those websites is 100% correct. To make navigation easier, I’ve marked the new links with a bright red “new” sign.

Also, I have added three new categories. If you should have a link you’d like to share, please post it here. Cheeyaz!

WordPress visitors, please note: some of these links lead to entries on LiveJournal rather than to the identical entry here on my blog. It would have been too time-consuming to change all links. If you’d rather see the entry on WordPress, just click the respective tags.


New categories:

AUTHORS (Age Of Sail)

Happy surfing! 🙂

10 January, 2008 at 5:18 pm Leave a comment

Resource/art: prize money

Have you ever organised a birthday party for kids? Tried to cut the cake without having to run for your life because little Nuttley’s piece was bigger than the one of little Danny?

See, that’s why the Royal Navy had rules for the cutting of the cake – or rather, the splitting of the prize money:

3/8 for the captain of the ship (of which he passed 1/8 on to his fleet commander)
2/8 for the officers
1/8 for the midshipmen and petty officers
2/8 for the rest of the crew.

How generous! Needless to say, these rules for the splitting of prize money were not to the satisfaction of the ordinary seamen – as you can tell from the following caricature, dated 1805 (artist unknown), before the Battle of Trafalgar:

EQUITY or a Sailors PRAYER before BATTLE. Anecdote of the Battle of Trafalgar.

“Why Starboard! how is this at prayers when the enemy is bearing down upon us, are you afraid of them?”

“Afraid! No! I was only praying that the enemys shot may be distributed in the same proportion as the prize money, the greatest parts among the Officers.”

“Why don’t you sing Amen to that, Tom.”

prize money

A good thing the Admiralty was not involved in the organisation of birthday parties…

20 December, 2007 at 6:46 pm Leave a comment

Resource: Collingwood monuments

When it comes to art, I’m more in favour of paintings than sculptures. I admit that I feel a bit uncomfortable looking at realistic, three-dimensional figures (and quite obviously, my feelings are correct!).

So Greek or Roman statues are not really for me; I prefer the works of Giacometti or Tinguely. However, if you do research on the Royal Navy in the 18th century, there is no way you can avoid the various monuments erected in honour of Britain’s naval heroes.

I have come across a number of pictures which I found very informative and also touching. The artists among you might find the comparison between the draft for Collingwood’s monument in Newcastle and the actual sculpture very interesting (both by John Graham Lough).

Close-up of Collingwood’s monument in Tynemouth

What I like about the sculpture is that, beside all the hero-worship that comes with a monument, it’s still very down-to-earth, and I think it does Collingwood justice in its dignity.

Collingwood monument draft Collingwood monument

Collingwood’s monument at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London

Here’s where my interests in historic funeral customs and the Royal Navy meet. The monuments of the 18th century are usually loaded with allegories and a “hero-worship” that are a bit… overwhelming to our modern eyes. Well, at least to mine. I quite like this detail of the Collingwood-monument at St. Paul’s Cathedral by Richard Westmacott II, though – it’s peaceful.

Collingwood monument St. Pauls

I wonder if I’d get arrested if I’d put a cabbage there in reverence or plum cake rather than flowers… please ignore me, it’s late

Detail of Nelson’s monument at Guildhall, London

Nelson-monuments are usually loaded with a “heroism” that is a bit… overwhelming to our modern eyes. However, I absolutely love this detail on Nelson’s monument at Guildhall, London, showing a plain seaman:

Nelson monument seaman

I think this he is the perfect representant for the Royal Navy.

And because I want to show you an example for a truly hideous monument, and because I can’t stand him, and because he looks even more like the tosser he is next to Collingwood, and because Eveiya will have a laugh, here we have

Mel Gibson as William Wallace

Mel bloody Gibson as William Wallace

This – thing gets vandalised regularly. Tsss. Why might that be. Kids these days.

I know that many people think that Braveheart is a masterpiece and Mel Gibson a revelation for cinema. I think Braveheart is one of the crappiest movies ever made, an insult to Scotland and Mel Gibson an individual who needs more than one swift kick up his arse. This opinion is non-negotiable. 😛

Phew. More might follow, for now, I hope you’ll like these. 🙂

9 December, 2007 at 11:16 pm 9 comments

Resource/art: Nelson as a midshipman

Nelson as a middie – watercolour by British artist E. Fane (born in 1771)

(click on the thumbnail to see full size)

.Horatio Nelson as a midshipman

If you look closely, you can see that “HORATIO NELS. / midshipman 1774” is written / carved on the spar the “young gentleman” is leaning on.

Adorable picture – but very flattering. 😉

6 December, 2007 at 12:07 am 6 comments

Duchess and Princess

I can’t decide if I’m looking forward to “The Duchess”. I’m curious about the story, and hey, costumes, but… eh. Let’s look at a real Duchess for now. I guess I’ll stick this to my desk, for it expresses my feelings after writing “The End” under a story!

Duchess Georgiana

Well. The following is for (and everybody else who appreciates a beautiful woman in a beautiful gown), and I had to smile for various reasons. A quill, a quill!

Princess Margaret

Edited to add: the lady is (or rather, was) Princess Margaret, Elizabeth’s sister (not the sister of Mrs. Turner. The sister of the Queen of England.)

Back to cleaning the kitchen. Ah, my Sunday’s are filled with joy…

25 November, 2007 at 5:19 pm Leave a comment

Flee market-finds – and they are even naval-related!

I love going to flee markets. Half of my furniture comes from there or the local second (third, fourth, fifth!) hand shops.

Today was a very successful day – and I found some bits which I’d never, ever expected to find here!


27 October, 2007 at 10:06 pm Leave a comment

Resource updated: Molly Joyful’s list of naval and historic resources

Last updated: 1st October, 2010

This list is currently being overhauled; new links will be added, dead ones removed and you’ll have new categories to choose from. And it will be much easier to navigate. If you’d like to see the “work in progress”, please click here.

Link and other suggestions are very welcome. Please comment in the new post mentioned above; I have to close this one here for comments due to a current spam flood.


Clothing of the 18th Century

Roccoco – 18th Century Clothing

The Regency Fashion Page

18th Century Fashion Resources

Lara Corset’s and Gowns: Pictorial History of Women’s Fashion

Pretty Fellows – A concerned Citizen blows his Top about Fashion in 1749
(William Gibson’s blog, scroll down the page)

Description of a “Robe à L’Anglaise” at the Met

Hair and Hairdos of the 18th Century

18th Century Fashion Follies


Jerry Bryant and Starboard Mess

Bawdy Sea Shanties by Oscar Brand

Dance History 18th Century

Sea Shanties: rare recordings recovered from the 1920s – new


Homosexuality in 18th Century England

Gay and Lesbian Subcultures in the Old Bailey Proceedings

Gay History: Mollies arrested in London (1726)

Student projects: Gender and Sexuality in the 18th Century

Ye Looke of Love: being queer in the 18th Century

Gay Subcultures in 18th Century Europe

18th Century Anti-Sex Education, England

18th Century Condoms

Review Boys at Sea – Sodomy, Indecency and Courts Martial by Prof. B.R. Burg

French 18th Century dildo – new


The Naval Surgeon

Wombs, Waxes and Wonder Cabinets

Napoleonic Medical Services


Domestic Medicine

Franklin Court: Hygiene and Personal Care

The Smell Report

18th Century London – Life and Hazards

History of Dentistry in the 18th Century

National Museum of Dentistry

Visiting a Dentist in Jane Austen’s Time

History of Toilet Paper

Common Medical Plants of Portland, Jamaica

Childbirth: Parturition Chairs

Morgagni & Mid-18th Century Treatment of the Mad

18th Century Spectacles

History of Alcohol and Drugs

Dissecting Pregnancy in 18th Century England

18th Century Domestic Medicine

Itchy and Scratchy: 18th Century Fleatraps

The  Battle over Birth Control
Various pictures of condoms and other contraceptives all through history. Not quite sure what the 18th century French ivory dildo is doing there, but… well.


Franklin Court: 18th Century Childhood

18th Century Toys

18th Century Children’s Clothing

Wikipedia article on Breeching


Collection of the National Maritime Museum

British Caricatures of the 18th Century

George Morland

The Republic of Pemberley – all things Jane Austen

Art Marine – new

The sketchbooks of Ernest Arthur Binstead – new

Grosvenor Prints – new

Bonhams 1793: Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers
– new

Cupid as a link boy by Sir Joshua Reynolds
– new

The young Amy Lyons (later Emma Hamilton) by Sir Joshua Reynolds
– new


National Maritime Museum: Life at Sea

Hartlepool’s Maritime Experience

BBC: Nelson’s Navy

BBC: Life at Sea

Ship’s Bells and Watch Schedules

Nelson’s Navy

Wake up to Nelson (everything from payment to punishment to pressgangs)

Bolitho-Newsletter (also see novels by Alexander Kent) – various information

Description of a Lieutenant’s Exam by Lt. William Badcock (1805)

The Secret Diary of a Midshipman
Drawings by Captain Frederick Marryat about his life as a midshipman.

The Splitting of Prize Money

Officer’s Accommodations

British Naval Logbooks from the Late Seventeenth Century: New climatic information from old sources by Dennis Wheeler – new

Playing at Command: Midshipmen and Quarterdeck Boys in the Royal Navy, 1793 – 1815 – new
Thesis by Samantha A. Cavell

The Irish Officers of the Royal Navy, 1793 – 1815
– new

HMS Ganges, mast-manning ceremony (full coverage)
– new

Blue Peter: HMS Ganges, mast-manning ceremony / John Noakes climbing Nelson’s column
– new

Sir Joseph Banks’ tattoo
– new


BBC: The Century that made us

Historical Accuracy of Pirates of the Caribbean

The Gillington-Formula: the Timeline of the Pirates of the Caribbean Movies

Canada’s Shame, Empires Profit: The Caribbean Slave Wars 1788-1807

The Diary of Samuel Pepys
Daily entries from the 17th century London diary – you can find the LJ feed here


Measuring Worth

Association for Historical Fencing

Regency Colours

Historic Food

Gossip in the 18th Century

Gentleman’s Magazine from 1731 to 1750

Quill Pens of the 18th Century

Letter-writing in the 18th Century

History of Housekeeping

Old London Maps

The worst Jobs in History

How to play “Blind Man’s Buff”

Throwing Down the Gauntlet – Duelling (Women did it, too!)

Christmas / Yuletide

Twelfth Night (Christmas)

Writer’s Dreamtools: 18th Century

Correct Form of Address

The Covent Garden Minuet Company: The Language of the Fan

Duels and Dueling on the Web

Report of a Naval Officer’s Death following a Duel

Women’s Lives Surrounding Late 18th Century Theatre

The Art of Mourning: a Resource for Mourning, Memorial and Sentimental Jewellery, Funeralia and Art.

The History of Washing – new

Sentimental Jewelry – new

Baseball’s British heritage confirmed
– new
It was played in Surrey in 1755…

Silent Companions – new
Painted servants

18th century porcelain figures – new

Irish Code Duello (1777)
– new

The Language of the Fans
– new


National Maritime Museum

Royal Navy: Customs and Traditions

Royal Navy, Official Website: History

Royal Naval Museum: Information Sheets

Naval History in the Age of Sail (1650 – 1815)

The Historical Maritime Society

History of the Royal Navy on Wikipedia

The Royal Marines

Naval History of Great Britain by William James

Nelson’s Dockyard in Antigua

Dockyard Museum, English Harbour, Antigua

Timeline of the War against France

Women in Nelson’s Navy

Intute: Royal Navy

Pirates of the Caribbean – Facts and Fiction

Portsmouth Historic Dockyard

The Port Royal Project

Towns Map of Port Royal in the 17th Century

Cannon History

The Maritime History Virtual Archives

Royal Naval Museum, Library Research

The British Navy Rules: Monitoring and Incompatible Incentives in the Age of Fighting Sail by Douglas W. Allen

BBC: The Art of War

The Admiral Byng Campaign continues

Pirates of the Caribbean in fact and fiction
Everything from pirate codes to organisation aboard a pirate ship and even an interesting section about pirate medicine.

‘On the Spanish Main’ by John Mansfield
Project Gutenberg: book available online for free

Notes from the Orlop
Fantastic blog about all aspects of seafaring life, integrated part of the Maine Maritime Museum website

From Cutlass to AK-47: Britain’s battle against piracy – new


Local Black History in Devon by Lucy MacKeith

Maroon Culture and how it came about by Leanna Prendergast

Jamaican Maroons

Wikipedia Article on the Maroon people (general)

Wikipedia Article on the Jamaica Maroons

Surinam Slave Trade by BibliOdyssey

BBC: The First Black Britons

The Black Presence in Britain: Dido Elizabeth Bell Lindsay

The Black Presence in Britain: African Sea Farers


The Proceedings of the Old Bailey, London 1674 to 1834

The Royal Navy Articles Of War (1749)

The Royal Navy Articles Of War (1757)

LJ: Graham Moore on Punishment for Buggery

Pleading the Belly – Avoiding the Gallows through Pregnancy

Admiral Collingwood’s  Methods of Punishment

Pillory and Stocks – new

Crime Broadsites
– new


Ranks and Uniforms in Nelson’s Navy

Navy Uniforms in Pirates of the Caribbean

National Maritime Museum: Uniforms

Royal Navy Officer Uniform Buttons


HMS Victory, Official Website (Victory = model for Dauntless)

HMS Victory

And HMS Victory once again…

BBC: 360° View of HMS Victory

HMS Victory Picture Gallery

HMS Trincomalee

Lady Washington (“HMS Interceptor”)

Ships of the Royal Navy

Warship Diagram

BBC Feature: 25 “Mary Rose” Anniversary

List of Frigate Classes

HMS Minotaur (1793)

Sailing Ship Rates

Restauration of the Mary Rose and Cutty Sark

Cutty Sark

The Figurehead Archive by Richard Hunter

Eight Bells Carving – Figureheads (buyable!)

Curious Expeditions – Figureheads

Review by Menegroth of Fighting Ships, 1750-1850, by Sam Willis

The Elizabethan Alderney Wreck

Shipwreck World: 1780 British Warship found in Lake Ontario

Elizabethan Wreck: Maritime ‘Treasure Trove’ raised – new

Hunting for the lost HMS Beagle – new

Royal Navy Ships of the Line
– new

Green light for the Mary Rose museum
– new

HMS Victory found (sunk in 1744)
– new

Odyssey Marine Exploration: HMS Victory project overview
– new


French Proverbs (with English Translations) from 1611

Nautical Phrases

Royal Navy Slang Dictionary

Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue by Captain Grose et al. (1811)

Online Etymology Dictionary

Surname meanings

The meaning of “Jack Tar” – new


Cuthbert Collingwood:

Biography at the Royal Naval Museum

Further Sources on Collingwood

BBC: Collingwood, the Forgotten Hero

Collingwood Monuments

Documentary: Collingwood, Trafalgar’s Forgotten Hero by Max Adams

Wilfred Collingwood – a most splendid Gentleman and Officer

Cuthbert Collingwood’s Self Portrait

St. Paul’s Cathedral, Collingwood, Nelson, Old Jerv’ and the Dust Bin

Graham Moore:

Graham Moore on Wikipedia

Frigate Commander – Portrait and Excerpt

Memoir of Admiral Sir Graham Moore G.C.M.G.
by Major-General Sir Robert Gardiner, K.C.B.

Frederick Marryat

Captain Frederick Marryat – Royal Navy Ghostbuster

Marryat’s Midshipman Easy – scans of late 19th century German editionnew

Horatio Nelson:

Nelson and The Royal Navy

Nelson Online Exhibition

BBC: Horatio Nelson

The Nelson Society

About Nelson

Nelson’s Memorial Effigy

Nelson’s Funeral

Nelson as a Midshipman

Nelson, Collingwood: The Battle of Trafalgar on the National Archive

Bringing Nelson’s Body back to England

Nelson in a Jar – a rather strange Memorabilia

Spot where Nelson died is ‘wrong’

Up and close with Nelson – new

Restored naval hero is revealed
– new

Nelson Memorabilia
– new


LJ: Anything AOS

LJ: POTC Universe

The Royal Navy – History Forums

Sailing Navies – Website and Forum

The Society of 18th Century Gentlemen – new

The Official Weblog of Wolfgang Amadé Mozart – new

The Duchess of Devonshire’s Gossip Guide to the 18th Century
– new

The Macaronis – Historical Romance out of the Closet
– new


National Maritime Museum

The Claude Moore Colonial Farm

Age of Reason – Online Magazine

Frazier International History Museum

The Covent Garden Minuet Company

Reconstructing History: Historical clothing, Patterns and Accessoiries

One More Stitch: Reproduction and historic knitting inspired by original garments, objects and patterns from the past.

Maine Maritime Museum

Dressing History – Accurate Reproduction Costumes, Historical Interpretation and Talks – new

Get your MA in Maritime History at the University of Exeter – new

The Gentlemen of Fortune: Golden Age of Piracy
– new

Bow Street Runners: The online game to go with “City of Vice”
– new

Miracle’s Wax Museum: next to Mozart
– new

Salem Maritime National Historic Site: Pickled Fish and Salted Provisions
– new


Smiling Fox Forge – 18th Century Reproductions

Replicas of 18th Century Men Shoes

Teresa Thompson – Historical Costume Dolls
Have a look at the naval officers!

Farthingale (Bath) – rent a costume
Rather authentic looking regency clothing and navy uniforms.

The Trafalgar Chess Set

Eclectic Eccentricity – Jewellery

Jas. Townsend
18th century replicas – from clothing to flutes!

Grandpa Gene’s American Folk Toys

All the King’s Men – Toy Soldiers

Grosvenor Antique Prints

Wm. Booth, Draper – 18th century patterns and more. Seamstress’ Paradise!

The Flying Canoe Trader: 18th century clothes and accessories, shoes etc. (E/F)

Track of the Wolf: Muzzle Loading & Blackpowder Breech Loading Guns

Frontline Figures: Colonial Classics – 18th Century – new

Star Clippers: The new Age of Sail
– new

Reine de Centfeuilles: Historical Costumes
– new

Imperial Costumes
– new

Vintage Textile
– new

AUTHORS (Age Of Sail)


Tom Wareham – Maritime Historian

Nicholas (N.A.M.) Rodger

Adam Nicolson

Roger Knight


The World of Patrick O’Brian

Alexander Kent

C.S. Forester

Julian Stockwin

That’s enough bearded men for one list. Here are the ladies:

Alex Beecroft – Adventure and Romance

Naomi Novik – Temeraire

Emma Collingwood – Love, Suspense and Sarcasm in the Age of Sail

Kalen Hughes – Romance Novelist
Website also contains historial information


For Absolute Beginners:

To learn the naval slang and get more familiar with the time and the life aboard a ship in the 18th century. The Kydd-Series by Julian Stockwin

Then it’s time to move on to

Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey/Maturin Series (“Master + Commander”)

Other books you might like:

The Horatio-Hornblower Series by C.S. Forester

The Richard Bolitho Series by Alexander Kent

Warmed up? Good! Time for


Shire Books: niche releases covering just about every research object – new

The Royal Navy:

The Wooden World: An Anatomy of the Georgian Navy
(Paperback) by N.A.M. Rodger
Review part I:

The Command of the Ocean: A Naval History of Britain: 1649-1815
(Paperback) by N.A.M. Rodger
Review of The Command of the Ocean: A Naval History of Britain: 1649-1815:

Men Of Honour
(Paperback) by Adam Nicolson

Dressed to Kill – British Naval Uniform, Masculinity and Contemporary Fashions 1748-1857
by Amy Miller
Review of Dressed to Kill:

The Pursuit of Victory: The Life and Achievement of Horatio Nelson
(Paperback) by Roger Knight

Captain Cook’s Journal During the First Voyage Round the World (Illustrated Edition)
(Paperback) by James Cook

Mutiny on Board H.M.S. Bounty: The Captain’s Account of the Mutiny and His 3,600 Mile Voyage in an Open Boat
(Paperback) by William Bligh (Author)

Nelson the Admiral
(Hardcover) by Colin White (Author)

Admiral Collingwood: Nelson’s Own Hero
(Hardcover) by Max Adams (Author)

Frigate Commander: Graham Moore
(Hardcover) by Tom Wareham (Author)

Feeding Nelson’s Navy: The True Story of Food at Sea in the Georgian Era
(Paperback) by Janet Macdonald

The Young Sea Officer’s Sheet Anchor
by D. Lever

Admiral Collingwood: A fine old English Gentleman
by William Davis (1875) – online version available for free download
Review of “A fine old English Gentleman”:

Not Enough Room To Swing A Cat: Naval Slang And Its Everyday Usage – new
(Hardback) by Martin Robson
Review of “Not Enough Room To Swing A Cat”:

Animals at Sea
– new
(Hardback) by Liza Verity
Review of”Animals at Sea”:

18th Century General Lifestyle

The Cut of Men’s Clothes: 1600-1900
(Hardcover) by Norah Waugh

The Cut of Women’s Clothes: 1600-1900
(Hardcover) by Norah Waugh

Daily Life in 18th-Century England
by Kirstin Olsen

City of Laughter: Sex and Satire in Eighteenth-century London
(Hardcover) by Vic [V.A.C.] Gatrell

Men’s 17th and 18th Century Costume: Cut and Fashion
(Hardcover) by R.I. Davis / William Alan Landes

Whatever Shall I Wear: A Guide to assembling a Woman’s 18th Century Wardrobe
by Mara Riley, illustrations by Cathy (Kate) Johnson

Hubbub: Filth, Noise and Stench in England, 1660 – 1770
(Paperback) by Emily Cockayne
Review of “Hubbub”:

Napoleon’s Privates: 2500 Years of History unzipped – new
(Hardcover) by Tony Perrottet
Review of “Napoleon’s Privates”:

The Workhouse Cookbook – new
(Paperback) by Peter Higginbotham

Slavery and Colonialism / East India Company:

Mastery, Tyranny, and Desire: Thomas Thistlewood and His Slaves in the Anglo-Jamaican World
(Paperback) by Trevor Burnard (Author)

Journal of a West India Proprietor (Oxford World’s Classics)
(Paperback) by Matthew Lewis (Author)

Sugar and Slaves: Rise of the Planter Class in the English West Indies, 1624-1713
(Paperback) by Gary B. Nash (Foreword), Richard S. Dunn (Author)

Trading Places: The East India Company and Asia 1600-1830
(Paperback) by Anthony Farrington (Author)

Homosexuality in the 18th century:

Mother Clap’s Molly House: The Gay Subculture in England 1700-1830
(Hardcover) by Rictor Norton

Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition: English Sea Rovers in the Seventeenth-Century Caribbean
by B.R. Burg

Rum, Sodomy and the Lash: Piracy, Sexuality and Masculine Identity
(Paperback) by Hans Turley

Boys at Sea: Sodomy, Indecency, and Courts Martial in Nelson’s Navy
(Hardcover) by B.R. Burg

If you can’t decide which books to buy or if your budget is as limited as mine (means: skint), here’s my personal “must have” list:

– The Wooden World by N.A.M. Rodger
– Men of Honour by Adam Nicolson
– Admiral Collingwood: Nelson’s own hero by Max Adams
– Frigate Commander (Journals of Graham Moore) by Tom Wareham
– The Pursuit Of Victory by Roger Knight

For the slashers among you, I’d definitely also recommend

– Mother Claps’s Molly House by Rictor Norton

Enjoy your researches! 🙂

Last updated: 2 March, 2009

27 October, 2007 at 8:49 pm 13 comments

The "real" Thomas – where inspirations come from

Stories can evolve from the oddest sources. Music. Things we experience in our daily lives. People we meet. Noises. Smells. A sentence we pick up.

I had the idea for “Lieutenant Samuel Blackwood (deceased)” (the manuscript is with the printers now and the book should be available soon, by the way – end of commercial break) after experiencing an aura shortly before I had an epileptic fit. Some people smell oranges, others rotten bananas, I smell gunpowder. Go figure.

So where does my current “Thomas Gillette” come from? Like many of the characters in my stories, he was inspired by a painting.

THOMAS CHATTERTON – Bristol’s Boy Poet

Thomas Chatterton died at only 17 years of age, and when I saw this picture, I sat down and wrote the story in one go. The painting by Henry Wallis is very touching; every time I look at it I get a bit melancholic.

Thomas Chatterton

The scene is so tragic and hopeless, but also strangely beautiful. Sometimes it would be nice if life could be re-written…

16 October, 2007 at 1:02 am Leave a comment

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Love, Suspense and Sarcasm in the Age of Sail

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